Tuesday, May 29, 2007

They say I need Windows Vista or better, so I got Linux!!!

After a month of having posted a video on Youtube of my excitement of finding Linux, I am even more excited now. Yes there have been many trials and tribulations of trying to figure out how things work, but my perseverance has payed off in trying to learn the GNU/Linux OS. I believe what helped me the most in learning this new operating system was an article that I read before installing any distribution of Linux to a computer. For those of you who want an excellent read, check out the article "Linux is NOT Windows." The article prepared my mind for what I was going to face. I believe that if I had not read the article, I would have given up completely on Linux.
I personally believe that there is a proper way to approach Linux for the first time. In the beginning, I had to keep reminding myself that I am using an OS that is not Microsoft Windows and is totally different from Windows. For three days I toiled to get my computer to work with my wireless network. I tried Fedora Core 6 first, but I had trouble working the wireless devices. I know that Fedora is an excellent distribution of Linux and I totally recommend it. Personally I would love to use it because the Layout is "pretty." However, I could not get my desktop to use my wireless devices with Fedora core 6. I had to switch to Ubuntu because of my lack of knowledge with Fedora. I haven't given up on Fedora yet; I can't wait to try Fedora Core 7. Ubuntu, in my opinion, is an excellent OS for those new to Linux. It has everything that a user could ever ask for with the exception of a good webcam capture program. I still use Windows Movie Maker for capturing video off of my CreativeCam Notebook Pro. The reason I do the capturing is because I am a Youtube fanatic. But, from what I have read about Linux, it will only be a matter of time before a new webcam capture program will be developed for Linux.
My experience with Ubuntu has been nothing but positive. I believe that Ubuntu is an excellent Linux distribution for any beginner to start with. Every possible thing that you could ever want to know about Ubuntu can be found at the Ubuntu Forums. If you need help trying to find out how to get that wireless device to work on your laptop like I did, then the Ubuntu Forums website is an excellent place to get help. If you need help installing a BIN file, the Ubuntu Forums website is a great place for an answer. If you need the answer to the secret meaning of life, they are still working on it.
Another beautiful thing about Ubuntu is the fact that the user can use the synaptic packet manager to install programs. For Linux newbies like me, this method beats typing in commands from the terminal. However, I have been using the terminal to install things like Real Player and Dosbox for my old Adventure games like Kings Quest and Monkey Island. Not that those are great things of importance; however, my point is that sometimes it is necessary to install things from a command prompt reminiscent of MS-DOS. Some people shy away from this approach; whereas some people, like myself, look at the terminal as a new exciting thing to learn. I don't mean to frighten people away when I say that I enter commands into the terminal manually. To be honest, I use the terminal less than 2 percent of the time. To tell the truth, almost anything that you need can be installed by the Synaptic Package Manager. The reason why I use the terminal is so that I can become more familiar with all the "Ins and Outs" of Linux.
Another great thing about Ubuntu is that they provide the user with a free office suite called OpenOffice. The OpenOffice suite contains a word processor, spread sheet program, a presentation program, and a database program. As a student at a university, there are really only a few things that I need on my notebook computer. As a university student, it is necessary for me to have office applications for papers and access to the Internet. The beautiful thing about OpenOffice is the fact that I can save a presentation that can be used on Microsoft Power Point. The same goes for Microsoft Word. I have used this functionality in my own university career. And I will continue to use it for anything in the future.
I could go on and on about my excitement of Linux. And I intend to in this Blog. The purpose of this blog will be Linux for the average person. The average computer user is someone who uses their computer for tasks like word processing, Internet, games, music, pictures, movies, instant messaging, education, etc. I believe in Linux for the average user. I believe in alternatives for common people.
I am not one to bash people for using Windows. I understand that it is hard for people to make the jump from Windows to a Linux based OS. As much as I hate it, Windows and Microsoft will be around for quite a while. Just because they are around doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to use them. After using Linux for a month, I have become overly content with the performance of this free alternative OS. And I hope that someday the reader of this document will be as excited with Linux as I am. I will say that Ubuntu sure beats the price I would have to pay for Windows Vista and the new computer that I would have to buy to run that resource hungry OS.

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